Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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25 May 2023

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Sam Ferris, Jason Lee, Eva Abeling, Jennifer MacNeill, inventory and smartphone tips.

  • LensCulture showcases In Visible Light by Sam Ferris, "a personal street photography project shot between 2013 and the present that interrogates my perceptions and experiences of living in Sydney."
  • In 2017 Jason Lee photographed A Road Trip From Texas to LA. The photo Gentleman should be bas reliefed on the nickel. The images are from a new book and exhibit Jason Lee: Selected American Photographs on display at Leica Gallery, London until June 11.
  • Devid Gualandris finds A World of Introspection and Wonder in the images of German photographer Eva Abeling. "Capturing landscapes, the intricate details of nature and the grace of human bodies, her latest series invites us to connect with the profound emotions she skillfully captures while tactfully reminding us of the beauty within and around us," he writes.
  • Suzanne Sease presents A Barn Cat, the personal project of Jennifer MacNeill. "Cats seem to know what light will work best for a beautiful photograph," MacNeill says. "They are little living works of art."
  • With No Adult Supervision, Kirk Tuck is doing ... inventory. He's cleaning house (well, ststudio) in preparation to donate lighting gear to worthy young photogs. "The amazing thing is how quickly one builds up a hoard of equipment and, on the other hand, how little equipment one really needs in order to do photography well," he writes.
  • Dahlia Ambrose lists 10 Resources to Shoot Like a Pro Using Your Smartphone. We liked the accompanying photos of smartphones in action. But were they taken with a smartphone?

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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