Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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28 November 2023

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at North Korea, the Jollylook Eye, Retrobatch, a gift idea, sample variation revisited and The Online Photographer.

  • In A Window Into Secretive North Korea, Tariq Zaidi presents images from his new book North Korea: The People’s Paradise focused on the daily life of North Koreans.
  • Feroz Khan looks at the mechanical (no batteries) Jollylook Eye printer, which "takes a photo of your smartphone screen and exposes it onto a frame of Instax." The $49 retro printer, currently a Kickstarter project, is made of biodegradable wood fiber. "Swipe through your phone and pick out a fantastic image from your gallery. Then, get it printed in under half a minute using this system," he writes.
  • Flying Meat's Gus Mueller, author of the Acorn image editor, has released Retrobatch 2.0.2, which he describes as "a node-based batch image processor, which means you can mix, match and combine different operations together to make the perfect workflow."
  • Derrick Story suggests An Alternative to Black Friday Gifts. "The concept is to cull a batch of family photos and create a keepsake to give as a gift," he writes. "A common approach is to print those images as 4x6s, then arrange them in an album. This is a good way to go for a single gift." Besides albums, he suggests putting those old photos on wall calendars, greeting cards, a digital photo frame and coffee cups.
  • In Sample Variation in the Fujifilm GF 100-200 at 200mm, Revisited, Jim Kasson looks at the two lens's performance "using the same methodology when testing my copy of the Fujifilm GF 100-200 and another reader's copy." Same conclusion: one is sharper.
  • Mike Johnston celebrates The Online Photographer's 18th birthday in Old Enough to Vote (with an odd typo in the head which we've corrected, but ain't that the way it is). Congrats, Mike, and many more.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...

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