Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

Play Ball Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

30 November 2023

See, this is what happens. You're driving to an isolated mailbox where you know you can pull over to the curb. You toss the bills you've just paid into the box and look up. And there's a picture.

Play Ball. Apple iPhone Pro Max back triple camera at 6.9mm, f1.8, 1/7837 second and ISO 80. Processed in Adobe Camera Raw.

You whip out your camera and line up the shot and try to capture what it was about the scene that grabbed you.

What grabbed us here is the ball field in November. It's not a regulation diamond. It's at a grammar school where kids of various sizes can use it. So the "diamond" can be sized just for them.

That gives it an abstract quality. It's just grass with a backstop that is probably 70 years old. And benches to match. All empty in November after everyone has moved on to football and basketball and volleyball.

The scene of victories and losses, it retains no mark of either. Not even an echo of some umpire's, "Play ball!' lingers in the still air. Yet it silently invites play.

Which is just what happened. Play. But with a camera.


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