Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

Inhospitable Environment Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

23 September 2024

Earlier this month we bussed over to the hospital for a CT scan of our brain to see if the bleed was resolving. The one we knew about was indeed but there was a new one to track. Which was not especially good news to hear as we waited for a bus to take us home.

Waiting Rooms. Sixth floor (l) and fourth floor.

"Should I return to the hospital?" we asked our primary doctor, who had called with the news. No, she said, the neurosurgeon just wants to do another CT scan next month.

It had been an eventful trip even without that news, though.

Knowing we'd be in the neighborhood for the scan, we'd scheduled one of those once-every-10-years vaccinations that was due and while we were at it a blood pressure and heart rate test. We could do all that down the street at the medical building.

We do monitor our blood pressure but every now and then it's nice to calibrate our home devices (we use two) against the pro devices. We did fine on that test and our heart rate (the subject of some concern after the unexplained fall) was normal.

All of which is the long way of saying we spent a few quiet moments in waiting rooms -- those inhospitable places -- that day. So naturally we took photos.*

Our first waiting room in the medical building was on the sixth floor's vaccination clinic. There was a nice color scheme with a potted plant (that was, of course, plastic, there being no daylight). We snapped a shot.

The second was two floors down at the blood pressure clinic where there was no pretense of horticulture. Rather Spartan, we thought, but we didn't let it get to us.

We just took another photo.

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