Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

Friday Slide Show: Halloween Parade Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

1 November 2024

The grammar school up the street has a nice little Halloween tradition. The kids wear their costumes to school (early dismissal included) and before any blackboard gets defaced, they parade around the block twice. The parents hang around after dropping them off to take photos.

We make a point of watching just to see what clever costumes they come up with. It's never disappointing.

If you watch carefully you'll see a Whole Foods bag, a vending machine, a bobble head, the 49er McCaffery on crutches, a utility crew along with the usual assortment of witches, skeletons and monsters.

But this year was a little different. We made a video because Joyce was still in the hospital and missed it. So we brought the parade to her.

At the same time, we thought we'd share some stills from the video with you.

The easiest way to extract the stills from the video turned out to be using VLC to scrub through and make screen shots which we later processed in Lightroom, cropping out the black bars and syncing the edits to everything.


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