Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

Friday Slide Show: The Room Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

15 November 2024

If you thought the slide show of the kitchen last week was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet. We've been spending a lot of time at a run-down skilled nursing facility with a family member lately. So naturally we thought we'd take a few photos.

The trouble was that nothing quite caught our eye. Or, to put it more accurately, nothing we saw inspired us. We just saw things that should be fixed or mended or straightened up a bit.

That isn't the business of a SNF, of course. It's to get people back on their feet when they've had a major illness or surgery for which, nevertheless, hospital care is no longer required.

"No longer required" is more arbitrary than one might think.

In our case, a patient care coordinator had, after consultation with a physical therapist and a doctor (neither of which spent more than a brief few minutes a day with the patient) discharged the patient.

With that level of care, the patient was of course no better at the end of the hospital stay than at the beginning. So discharge was to a SNF.

Where a doctor never visits and symptoms are ignored while the physical and occupational therapists come Monday through Friday to spend no more than 15 minutes trying to rehab the patient.

Not a formula for success.

So we're over there trying to supplement the care and advocate for our family member. We don't bother trying to count wins and losses. We don't keep score. We just lean back in to the fight.

One way or the other it will end. But what a system.


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