4 August 2020
While we don't know how long Joyce's surgery will last tomorrow, we do know what time it starts. And how early in the morning Joyce has to get up, too. Early.
As in around 3 a.m. to take the nutrition drink she'll need for the operation. She won't have eaten anything after 9 p.m. tonight to accommodate the anesthesia. So you might say she's sort of looking forward to that bottle (whatever's in it).
She has to be at the hospital by 5:15 a.m.
She has to be at the hospital on Geary (a 15 minute ride) by 5:15 a.m. for the surgery scheduled at 7:30.
Following surgery, she'll be in recovery. And while she's recovering, I expect to get a call from Dr. Tong telling me what happened and where we go from here. Oddly enough, I'll know before Joyce.
I'll put up a post here when I get the news. The feed will let you know right away but I hope it's before noon.
I'll also let you know when she's in her room and able to take calls. And what kind of calls. FaceTiming might be fun. She'll have her iPhone (and charger).
More later. Thanks for all the good wishes!