5 August 2020
I just got off the phone with Joyce who finally got a room of her own with a view south. She sounded hoarse but in much better spirits than she has been lately dealing with the pain and infection.
The delay was caused by a concern about her blood pressure. It was very low. It's normally a bit low, actually, but after surgery it was even lower. So they kept an eye on her a while longer before sending her up to her room.
Instead of using a wheelchair, though, she walked to the elevator. So if you were wondering when she would be able to walk again, there's your answer. Now.
She did chat with the surgeon briefly and the nurses and staff have been very nice, she says. She's had a little chicken soup already, too.
And she feels no pain.
You can reach her with a text or phone call on her smartphone. I don't want to publish the number here except to say add one to the last digit of my cell number listed on this page.
I told her to make sure she charges her battery!