Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

A Bad Hair Day

13 August 2020

Today's the day. Not for surgery (that's tomorrow). For a shampoo. "It's amazing the things they don't care about," Joyce said when I talked to her this morning.

Like washing your hair. It's been five days.

"Don't they give you those dry shampoos to comb through your hair?"

No, they don't. They use a cap that they put water and shampoo into, put it on your head, massage it, rinse the cap out and, presto, see you in five days.

"They don't even comb it," she said.

That wasn't her only complaint. Can you guess what else?

"I ordered granola for breakfast," she complained, "and the pieces were so big I couldn't eat it."

"Did you ask them for a hammer?"

Next time she will.

She's been getting up and walking around on her own but she has no idea where the Wound VAC is (she doesn't disconnect anything).

She does see Dr. Tong every day on her rounds. But she hasn't seen her primary, who must loathe walking up the hill to the hospital. We'll just have to think of her as a guardian angel, using her influence (she's influential) to make all this happen behind some fluffy cloud.

And she also sees "at least five nurses" for various things.

"Listen to things I'm complaining about," she shook her head (I imagine, since I can't see her).

But she's picked the right things to complain about. Little nuisances, that is, instead of dire diagnoses.
