Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

A View of the Room

19 August 2020

This morning we were surprised with a photo of Joyce's room. We've been pestering her for some on-site reporting and this morning she came through.

Room 4353. Joyce's home away from home.

There are an awful lot of pillows (she likes her pillows) piled up in the chair I would normally be sitting in if we weren't in the midst of a pandemic quarantine. And a nice mural of a bucolic scene where the water feature is not at flood stage.

Everything seems to be a disaster-in-waiting these days.

That's her hospital bed in the bottom right corner. We don't quite understand why the walker is so far away from the bed. Could be some sort of Olympic event to see if she can get there. A sort of marathon, maybe.

The red box is undoubtedly the biohazard waste disposal bin.

There are some flowers and a money tree on the window sill. Legend has it that the money tree brings good luck, creating positive energy.

She carefully avoided any depiction of food, you'll notice.

But we can take comfort in the green paint on the wall. It's her favorite color. And the color of home, too.
