Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

Radiation Damage

7 September 2020

After the post showing the wound (optionally), there has been some interest in what the area looked like before the recent surgery.

I took this image using Joyce's iPad on July 10 to send to Joyce's primary doctor. We wanted to report a possible infection.

This isn't a very pretty image, so once again, I'm blacking it out by default. But it will answer a few questions.

Turn your phone sideways into landscape mode if you can't see the image.

You'll notice a black outline around the area. That's dead skin that Dr. Tong removed.

Inside that area is the reddish radiated skin. You'll see some yellow areas within it. That's infected skin.

The weeping Joyce was continually suffering was discharge from those areas.

Right in the middle of the area is a hole. That's the entrance to the 2.5-inch deep, triangular-shaped abscess discovered after a scan in July.

Joyce had gone to the Kaiser sports injury clinic to have the wound cleaned up but the surgeon wouldn't touch it. She was immediately sent for a scan that revealed the abscess.

That got Dr. Fang, the surgeon who removed her tumor, involved again. He showed me how to pack the abscess twice a day. And he got Dr. Tong involved, who felt the only way to deal with this to remove all of the radiated skin.
