15 September 2020
Sorry for leaving you up in the air about Joyce all day. She took a wait-and-see approach, not calling back to schedule an MRI (who needs that co-pay). Tyler did call to see if she was all right, though.
And Salwa texted to see if she can come tomorrow at 10, even though that's how we left it. She's very polite for a Dallas Cowboys fan. When she leaves, she thanks us for letting her in the house. It's kind of amusing.
One advantage of having stayed up late last night was getting a jump on some news for Photo Corners. So this morning I was able to get through my morning work pretty early.
And with air quality returning to Good levels around here, I'm glad I waited to get out of the house to shop for supplies.
Which means we aren't going to starve after all.
I drove down to Costco around noon, bought a couple of cases of San Pellegrino mineral water and a big jar of nuts, filled the tank at $2.89 a gallon and bought 10 days of groceries at Trader Joe's.
As I was wheeling the cart to the car, Lowe's called. Clay is on the case, he let me know. What happened? I explain. He says he'll look around for stock and then see if he can sneak me in earlier than Sept. 22.
All the trucks are booked for until then, though, he says. Uh, Clay, I was at the head of the line on Sept. 11. I don't think it's fair to make me go to the end of the line when the failure was not mine.
When I got home Joyce was where she was when I left. Laying on the bed, which has to be good for her back. She's feeling better, she said. But she also took another Oxycodone so she should be feeling no pain.
The foot and ankle are still bandaged. She's inclined to leave it that way.
I think she missed the doctor's call this morning. She doesn't carry the phones around and can't get to where she leaves them so calling her isn't likely to reach her.
If we're lucky tomorrow will be uneventful. A dressing change at noon, over to my mother's for the usual weekly chores and home for dinner.
We are shooting for a boring couple of days.