Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

Still Waiting

9 October 2020

Well, I didn't think that was the end of the story yesterday but it was. We never did get the results of the sonogram.

And we haven't heard a peep from Joyce's doctor today either. Of course, it's only 10 p.m., which is early yet. Dr. Brenman sometimes doesn't catch up with her patients until the middle of the night.

Not that we're holding our breath.

Salwa was here this morning to change the dressing and while she did notice an odor from the wound, she didn't think it was much of one. No infection, she said. And the wound looks good, she added.

Moreover next week when Dr. Tong takes a look at it, she'll be able to clean it up if it needs it (debridement, they call it).

I'm still concerned about the swelling but Salwa said it wasn't any warmer than the other leg, which is not swollen. So that was reassuring.

Joyce hasn't been walking outside the house for a while now. Yesterday's trip to the medical building was her biggest walk in a while. But today she sat on the patio to drink in a little vitamin D. Sunshine, that is.

But she still has more pain than she has had. Which she handles with both Oxycodone and Tylenol, as prescribed.
