23 October 2020
I'm beginning to think I've crossed through the TV screen into an episode of Fawlty Towers. Nothing goes right.
No, the dryer never showed up. Oscar the assistant manager has not responded to a single email all week, as if he never existed at all. So I called Customer Service again today and they sent an email to the store to contact me within 24 hours. Some service.
And, of course, I missed the subsequent call from Wilma who apologized for the two damaged deliveries but says she has to know if I had the dryer installed so she can order a pickup. Oh, and it will take 5 to 7 days for a dryer to be delivered.
She can't say it won't be damaged, of course. This will be the fifth dryer.
She'll call again tomorrow. Otherwise I can't reach her. The phone just rings.
But wouldn't you think the assistant store manager would be able to fill her in? And why isn't he dealing with this?
I may just be Oscar the Assistant Store Manager for Halloween. I won't even need a costume, just an email address.
I'm beginning to sound like Basil Fawlty. I know. I apologize.
IF YOU THINK my attempt to replace the bathroom rug in the executive bathroom turned out any better, you've never seen Fawlty Towers.
Yesterday I persuaded Joyce to take a drive back to Bed, Bath & Beyond to get away from the TV and look at the rugs. The Web site said our gray size was now in stock and I thought there was a 50 percent chance there would be one on the shelf by now.
I took photos of the bathroom just in case they were out of gray and we had to pick another color. Basil would have been proud.
But to our delight, there were several nice gray rugs stacked in the 20x34-inch shelf. Joyce liked the color, so we grabbed one and got in line (which had about 15 people by then).
I just happened to notice the stitching was less than adequate, so I left her there and ran back to the shelf to swap it for one in which the seamstress did not fall asleep at the end.
As I checked the stitching on the substitute rug, it unfurled and I realized it was a lot longer than 30 inches. All the rugs in the 20x34-inch shelf were really 20x40-inch rugs. Every single one of them.
Oh, come on.
JOYCE DID TALK to Dr. Tong yesterday about arranging a video conference next month and calling the house when a nurse is here to discuss the wound.
This is another one-way communication channel. Dr. Tong has the phone numbers for the nurses but there's no way for them to reach her at Fawlty Medical Center.
Anyway, Joyce asked about her lab results. She had received them in an email but neither of us could decipher them, nor could Salwa, the LVN.
Yes, Dr. Tong said, there's an infection. But Joyce is already taking antibiotics, has no severe pain (although plenty of discomfort, of course) and doesn't have a fever, so she isn't concerned.
And Salwa didn't notice an odor from the wound today. I didn't either.
But my sense of smell is impaired despite all the stinking things that have been happening lately.