Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

Doing the Wash

25 October 2020

Sunday is wash day. I tried to make that clear to Lowe's. Anyone at Lowe's. But not Wilma. Never did reach Wilma.

Yesterday, after failing to reach Wilma in the morning, I called the national Customer Service line and talked to Karen. At one point I had to apologize, explaining I'm getting frustrated with the whole experience.

"I would too," she said.

She read the long report they have on this, confirmed the store has been told no Whirlpool dryer was ever installed (so they don't waste time picking up a dryer that isn't here) and fired off an urgent message to the district supervisor.

A few minutes later Nick the Store Manager called, gave me his personal work number and admitted they've been having some quality control problems with Whirlpool.

Like Oscar (who works for him, he told me), he said he has two in stock but one is damaged. If the other is damaged, he'll have to get a couple shipped from the distribution center. That could take a week, he apologized.

"Do you need a dryer in the meantime?" he offered.

I was afraid he was going to send me to his mother's house with a basket full of wet laundry, so I told him I still had my 16-year-old Kenmore on duty. "Ah, a Kenmore!" he sighed. Like it was a Model T.

Anyway, back to the wash. I really do like the big detergent reservoir. The machine figures out the right amount based on the load. It has to do that for the water anyway. It's one thing less to have to do.

I'm also trying to just use the Quick cycle today. We don't have heavily soiled laundry and we don't have big loads (not nearly half full), so a 15-20 minute wash might be sufficient.

[A tinkling melody is heard coming from the garage]

Ah, there's the little musical jingle from the machine telling me the Quick cycle has finished.

THE PATIENT is in better spirits this weekend.

We went to the market yesterday, a quarter mile walk, more or less (not counting store aisles). And this morning she made a lox and scrambled eggs brunch.

No complaints about pain.

The Ace bandage seems to have made the wound more comfortable. There are actually two of them, one on the top of her leg around the wound and the other above the knee.

Salwa thought they had reduced the swelling in the area when she took them off Friday. She put them back on after changing the dressing. They won't need to be laundered until next week, she said.

I wonder if she has a dryer at home.

The sun has just broken through the overcast sky so maybe we'll take a little walk while the clothes dry (there's no Quick cycle on a dryer).
