7 November 2020
When things would unexpectedly break right once in a blue moon (we had one on Halloween), my father would say, "There is a God." He passed away 15 years ago this week but I could hear his voice again this morning.
He would say that lightly, somewhat the way his father used to say, "Eus deus bebeus." Grandpa's polite way of disagreeing was to point out (melodiously) to whoever was on the soap box, "Your God drinks."
And so in the family tradition, as Joseph Biden was acknowledged as the winner of the election for president this morning around 8:30, we sighed, "There is a God."
And in response to the Republican legal effort to obscure what Nate Silver suggests "will probably be the second-least-close election since 2000," we quickly added a hearty, "Eus deus bebeus."
We rolled out of bed with relief after hearing the news on NPR and gave Joyce, who was smiling in the kitchen, a hug and a kiss.
Happy days are here again.