13 November 2020
Salwa the LVN has been here a couple of times since my last report. The progress she thought she noticed on Wednesday was confirmed today. The wound is measurably smaller. By a centimeter.
But you can really see this in the pieces of foam. The large piece barely fits any more. And she really only needs one more piece to fill around it, although she still indulges in two.
I sent a photo to Dr. Tong.
As far as the pain level, it's still where it was. And we're still figuring that's the nerves growing. And we're still expecting Tylenol to ameliorate that.
Last night Joyce did get incessant Low Pressure warnings from the Wound VAC. But it seemed to have something to do with how she was sitting. She may have been compressing the tubing right at the lily pad.
When she went to bed and was lying down, the Wound VAC quieted down.
That leg is still swollen. She's been wearing the Ace bandage less. The swelling seems to be caused by water retention. If she uses the Ace bandage like a compression stocking, the swelling is minimized.
Exercise would help but it's been very cold (well, 50°) so Joyce hasn't gone out for a walk the last two days. But she's been eating more.
Last night she had a green salad, tuna and herbed oven fries. A whole meal.
And she's in better spirits. So things are looking up.