16 November 2020
At the dressing change today, Salwa the LVN was delighted. She pointed out the skin on the side of the wound closest to Joyce's other leg had nearly closed and the tissue at the top of the wound was nearly fully replaced.
There's still a lot of tissue to grow down by the muscle and around the other edges of the wound, but for the first time today Salwa only had to use two pieces of foam instead of three to fill the wound.
She'd also been thinking about the lily pad placement after the continual blockage alerts from the Wound VAC this weekend. She thought she should move it up the wound off the muscle area and on a spot that's pretty flat. So she did.
Joyce only took Tylenol before the dressing change today so she had a rough time as Salwa removed the old foam. Oxycodone next time. The pain is a sign of tissue and nerve growth, Salwa reminded us.
If you have any bubbly chilling, this would be an excellent excuse to pop the cork now.