Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

The Week Ahead

6 December 2020

It's been quiet around here for a few days. Joyce has spent most of that lying on the bed with the TV on. Not sure she's actually watching anything, but passing the time.

This week, though, should be interesting.

The big occasion will be the Wednesday afternoon visit to the plastic surgery clinic to see Dr. Tong.

Joyce will arrive with both the white foam dressings and the bigger black foam dressing. Dr. Tong can decide if she's ready for the black foam.

The black foam, as I understand it from talking to Tyler the RN and Dr. Tong, is more painful to remove but speeds healing.

And from talking to Salwa the LVN, it's also harder to sculpt to the foam to fit the wound. You can make a mosaic of white foam but the black foam is one big piece that has to be cut to size.

Joyce has shied away from going to the black foam until now. But now may be the time. We've leaving it to Dr. Tong to make the call.

ON A LIGHTER NOTE, so to speak, we strung some white lights around the front room window. A year ago we took the Roman shade down but we left the hooks, which are perfect for Christmas lights.

They ring the window but also light up the drapes and the swash on top. Lovely.

Just need a tree in the middle of the window to complete the picture.
