11 January 2021
We have another appointment at the Plastic Surgery Clinic this week. Neither of us has any idea why. And it's scheduled for Thursday, which is off schedule for dressing changes.
The dressing has to be removed for the wound to be evaluated at these little visits, of course. Assuming there's someone around to actually evaluate it. Just going in for a dressing change isn't necessary or even useful.
So we're hoping for a cancellation.
Otherwise, we'll have to cancel the Wednesday dressing change with Salwa in favor of the Thursday clinic appointment. And if that appointment is subsequently canceled, we'll have to ask Salwa to do a Thursday dressing change (since the old dressing will be the one she did today).
And what happens to Friday's dressing change? Toni on Saturday, most likely. Before we get back to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule again.
Why we should have to go through all this?
In other news, such as it is, the Feb. 4 surgery has been rescheduled for Feb. 5, changing my three-day caregiver vacation plans to visit Antarctica.
That also means Joyce would be in the hospital over the weekend and consequently released (presumably) on a Monday. Someone somewhere finally did the math and realized they didn't want to release her on a Sunday.
I should be back with a pet penguin or two by then. It's cold enough here for them now.