Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

The Other Leg

26 May 2021

It's 4 p.m. and Joyce has just gone down the hall past the double doors for X-rays on her ankle and knee. On her good leg.

A little more than a week ago she had severe pain in the leg. It's come and gone but when it's come it has been bad.

Ben the RN contacted her primary and Cat the PA ordered physical therapy. Today she saw her primary before confirming a physical therapy appointment.

Joint pain like she had some time ago seems to be the culprit. The X-rays will tell us more.

Meanwhile since we're here she got s pneumonia shot (protection against 23 strains) and after these X-rays she'll get her annual blood tests (even though she didn't fast) and then we'll hit the pharmacy for some topical Aleve to try on the joints when they flare up again.

Then we'll figure out what to do for dinner. No idea at the moment.
