Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

Funny, Sort Of

8 July 2021

Things didn't go well at the pharmacy yesterday. Both Joyce and I were under the impression that her order for Dakin's Solution and Vashe were ready for pickup. Uh, no.

The $51 pint of Vashe was there all right. But not the $21 bottle of Dakin's Solution. Vic the LVN and Byram had already supplied us with Vashe but we just used the last of the Dakin's this morning.

They had no record of the Dakin's order. So we started that clock again. And told them to keep the Vashe.

When we got back to the car, I texted Vic the LVN to tell him we were out of Dakin's and ask him to see if he could find any. He replied he'd try.

TODAY JOYCE went to Costco and Trader Joe's with me. That cupboard was bare too.

When we got home, an order we'd placed with Byram yesterday was in the alley. Three boxes containing 30 wraps of Kerlix gauze, 120 large Mediplex pads and two more half pint bottles of Vashe. We're awash in Vashe.

Funny, right?

Well, not quite. We'd placed the order yesterday because we were out of the abdominal pads (we've got just enough to get through the weekend). No abdominal pads were delivered.

Joyce called Byram about the pads only to find out they were taken off the order because their authorization has expired. In tears she begged for more. Byram agreed to send a partial order to tide her over until she can get Dr. Tong to reauthorize them.

And, if you're keeping score at home, Vic texted us he found a bottle of Dakin's at the office and would bring it tomorrow. So we won't have to resort to Plan B (saline solution) after all.

He's also bringing over some more abdominal pads. I just had to ask.

But is it really supposed to be this hard? Month after month?
