Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

A Party of Three

22 July 2021

We had a party today when Joyce's sister Judy drove up from Los Angeles to take us to lunch. We hadn't seen each other for a year and a half.

She had said she'd be here early in the afternoon but she left L.A. at five in the morning and, with no traffic, got here around 11 as I was whacking the weeds in the back in my capacity as Estate Manager.

I caught up with them a little later and a little after that we all rolled up our sleeves to tackle the problem of what to do about lunch.

Well, really, there was only one possible solution to that puzzle.

We drove down to El Toreador, the Mexican restaurant that doesn't need to be decorated for Christmas. Its walls are plastered with the photos of all the famous Abbott sisters.

Along the wall by our booth, for example, there was Marlena Dietrich, Gloria Swanson, Ann Sheridan and Norma Shearer. All glamorous Abbotts before picking those silly stage names.

You didn't know?

We split a pitcher of margaritas to go with a burrito, a quesadilla and a Mexican bowl. It's the first time Joyce has been to a restaurant since her surgery almost a year ago.

After lunching with all those Hollywood movie stars, we returned home to reality.

When Judy got in the door, she looked at herself in the mirror on the wardrobe and complained, "Oh, I look like Bozo the Clown!"

"Bozo had a long career," I pointed out.

"He did! How old was he when he died?" she asked.

"Hey, Google!" we bellowed. "How old was Bozo the Clown when he died?"

"Eighty six," the authoritative answer came right back, followed by a few biographical tidbits.

We all laughed. Because, you know, so far none of us have been eight-sixed.
