13 September 2021
When I spoke to Joyce this morning, she was distraught. And a bit confused (which I'm chalking up to the anesthesia).
She told me she didn't know if she was having surgery tomorrow. She hadn't seen Dr. Tong today (probably because she was still in surgery).
But I assured her she was having a second surgery tomorrow to finish cleaning out the yellow slough.
Then she said she couldn't call any more because her battery is low and there's no place to plug in her phone's charger. I told her to ask the nurse for help.
There's certainly a free outlet somewhere in the room. And if she can't get to it, a nurse can.
I don't know if the room has a phone (and if it does whether the nurses' station has connected it). But if a phone has been connected, switchboard at the hospital can route you through. That phone number is 1 (415) 833-2000.
And if you don't know Joyce's cell phone number it's the same as mine listed here with one added to the last number.
You may have to try both to reach her.
You can send mail to her at the hospital:
Kaiser Permanente Hospital
ATTN: Joyce Abbott
2425 Geary Blvd., Room 4353
San Francisco, CA 94115-3358If you mail anything to the house, I'll keep it here until her return.