Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

Covid Test

8 February 2022

It's been a rocky couple of days for Joyce. She took a bit too much pain medication yesterday for some reason (she wasn't in pain) and was out of it for most of the day.

Then she purged herself of the stuff this morning. Which wasn't any fun at all.

It wasn't anything she ate because I ate the same thing and felt fine. So I'm blaming the Oxycodone. Diarrhea is a listed side effect.

May try taking the stuff myself to confirm it.

That didn't stop us from driving over to French Hospital on Sixth Ave. and Geary Blvd. for a drive-through Covid test. She has to demonstrate she is Covid-free to gain admittance to the hospital on Friday for surgery.

It's astonishing how frustrating it is to drive through the city.

The first problem is the Waymo vehicles. We don't need more traffic, Waymo. And it isn't customary to drive 15 mph down Seventh Ave. on the way to Golden Gate Park. It's rude, in fact.

Of course, some allowance must be made for drivers who are not familiar with the streets. But they should humbly observe the traffic laws as they wander around cluelessly and not try to backspace and auto correct where the laws of physics rule.

Pretend it's a city, as Saint Fran* puts it. Go around the block.

But we always leave 15 minutes too early. And the appointments are more guidelines than slots. When we got there, the three drive-through spaces were empty and we rolled right in.

Check-in was brief. Some fellow just read Joyce's Kaiser number over a walkie talkie to the nurses and a couple of minutes later a nurse came out, did the swabbing and promised a result in one or two days.

And back to the battlefield we went.
