Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

A Longer Walk

22 May 2022

The trouble with retrenching is that there's nothing to report. Joyce sits in the chair by the piano watching daytime TV or listening to some streaming service on the Google Home mini that plays the Carpenters incessantly.

She takes a walk to the mailbox at the corner now and then but that's it.

Until yesterday, that is, when we walked about four blocks up the hill to the market and the pharmacy. That's about 2,000 steps, which includes wandering the aisles.

We bought some sushi and sake for lunch at the market and then some shampoo and toothpaste at the pharmacy. And she had no trouble making it home downhill.

The wind, which carried a chill on it, bothered her but it was nice in the sun.

Small feats. Herculean all the same.
