Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

Homemade Scones

3 July 2022

For Sunday brunch we either have bagels or, for a treat, Sconehenge blueberry scones. We both prefer the scones but we don't always get to the market that sells them.

And when I did get there a couple of weeks ago, I noticed the price had increased to $10 for four. It used to be $6 for a package of four.

So I wandered over to the bakery goods aisle and found a few packages of ingredients for making them at home. Next time, I thought, I'll pick one up.

Foreseeing a bagel on my plate this weekend, I bought the package that said to just add water.

On Saturday Joyce took on the project. It's the first baking she's done in a long, long time.

The ingredients went into a bowl. She poured 2/3 cup of cold water in and mixed it together. Then she used an ice cream scoop to fill a cupcake tin with 12 scones. She popped them in the oven and fifteen minutes later, we had scones cooling on top of the stove.

We had a few of them this morning and they were scones all right. Not the buttery ones of Sconehenge maybe but still blueberry scones.

And 12 of them for six bucks.
