Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

False Alarm

8 February 2023

Last week I asked Kristine the LVN what she thought about some bumps I had noticed growing on the muscle. She said take a photo and send it to Dr. Tong. So I did.

We got a call shortly after from Nate the Scheduler to come in on Tuesday afternoon. So we did.

I was minding my own business in the waiting room as Joyce was being looked at when Cat the Physician's Assistant came out to talk to me.

She had her phone out with a picture of the wound.

"Which bumps were you talking about?"

I had to confess (and right away) that I had been wrong about the bumps. I had thought they were new growths but when I got around to looking at photos of the wound back to November I saw the same bumps. They weren't new.

She laughed.

All the same, she said, Dr. Tong was going to biopsy them. You can never be too safe.
