20 March 2023
You probably thought I forgot to tell you about the biopsy results from the Feb. 7 tests. Understandable but we only received them today.
And they aren't exactly transparent.
From what I can tell, they indicate scar tissue and inflamed tissue at four different sites. But no cancer.
Otherwise Dr. Tong would not have released them in an email without a telephone consultation.
I think.
MEANWHILE the home nursing company has had the bright idea of outsourcing supplies so the nurses don't have to visit the office to stock up for their patients.
Sounds smart but, like everything else in this economy of errors, it hasn't worked out very well.
Not only are the quantities ridiculously inadequate but the supplies are not quite right either. And that's after three attempts to clarify what we need by our nurse, who knows exactly which products and how many are necessary.
I've accumulated something like a warehouse of medical supplies in the basement, though. So we're all right until they figure it out. And we can always order through Byram if we get desperate.
But it really shouldn't be this hard after three years.