Joyce's KP Adventure headlines

More Debridements, More Supplies

18 September 2023

Joyce has two debridements with Dr. Tong this month. She had the first on Friday, Sept. 8, and will have the second on Friday, Sept. 29.

The plan was to debride the wound every month but this will be just three weeks. And they are real debridements with Dr. Tong, not appraisals and strategy sessions or meetings with a physician's assistant.

Dr. Tong cuts away not just the yellow slough preventing new tissue growth but also a bit of healthy tissue. Joyce can feel that. But the next morning when we do a dressing change, she has no pain.

And the wound, which is hard to actually measure the same way twice, consequently appears smaller, particularly when you stuff it with Kerlix. Both Kristine the LVN and I have noticed we could use a little less Kerlix lately.

GIVEN THAT WE KNOW exactly how much of each product we need, it's alarming how inconsistent the supply system has been.

Each week we use:

  • 14 Mepilex bandages
  • 7 abdominal pads
  • 7 rolls of Kerlix gauze
  • 7 Q-Tips
  • 7 skin prep pads

Over two weeks we use:

  • Saline solution
  • Dakin's solution

And for a longer period:

  • Coloplast

And we have a continuing rotation of Ace bandages.

Note the seven Q-Tips. Last week, the nursing company shipped 1,200 Q-Tips. Kristine guessed someone had written 6 in the order and accidentally added two zeroes. They are packaged in pairs, making 1,200. At seven a week, that's 171 weeks or a bit over three years.

Hate to spoil the surprise, but guess what you're getting for Christmas.
