1 November 2024
Which should be amusing. Male nurses cross dressing with curlers in their wig. Visitors wearing bunny ears.
But it wasn't so amusing for Joyce.
A transport brought her home yesterday after 5 pm and I made dinner for us while they carried her up the stairs screaming in a sheet. They sat her in her chair where she stayed until I put dinner on the table.
But she couldn't get out of the chair. We tried for 15 minutes. Then she called the Kaiser advice nurse who talked to the doctor on call who said take an ambulance to the ER.
Which is what the advice line always recommends, the EMT guys said.
It was a quiet for a Halloween in the ER. Dr. Alyssa Nip talked to us before ordering blood tests and supplies to dress the wound when they take a look at it.
Just in case something has happened since she left the hospital this afternoon. All we could tell her is that Joyce couldn't get out of her chair.
When the nurse couldn't find the large size Mepilex bandages that cover the wound or the Vashe to wet the Kerlix, I questioned whether it was wise to compromise the wound just to have a look. They found the Mepilex and Vashe.
I told them what we do with everything and that's what they did. Then the doctor consulted with the admitting doctor. By then it was after 1 a.m. and I'd missed the last 43 bus home.
I caught the 24 Divisadero with some goblins to the Castro where I waited for an L Owl with some angels, devils and one tiger. Then I walked home up the hill from West Portal Station.
To take out the garbage at 2:30 in the morning.