7 November 2024
Our friend Christina picked me up in time to drive to Golden Heights for Joyce's 1 p.m. therapy appointment.
Her roommate was missing, so only Joyce was there with her uneaten lunch before her. We got her to drink some coffee and eat some lemon pudding and drink what looked like the protein supplement. I also got her a Boost before the session.
Cassie the Occupational Therapist and Jayce the Physical Therapist arrived right on time. And for the first time since Joyce was transferred to Golden Heights, she sat herself up on the side of the bed and did leg exercises.
It was a fight and she screamed she couldn't do it but she did it. Both Christina and I kept encouraging her until she sat up. Jayce tried to get her to lean forward even though she felt dizzy. Cassie explained the paint she felt was from being immobile so long.
We'll try again tomorrow at noon to get her to stand and shuffle to a chair. I brought her shoes today in case she complains about not having shoes.
Christina had brought her some chewing gum, emory boards, chapstick and a few other things to help with taste and grooming. When they left, Joyce did try the chewing gum. And she got a comb out of her purse and combed her hair when I suggested it. That was one of the occupational therapies, Deb had mentioned yesterday.
Even with some discomfort, she's physically capable of these things. But she has a fear of falling and a reluctance to do anything. A mental block that I hope is not indicative of a more serious cognitive issue.
Her sister Carol called her just before we left. And Christina volunteered to drive me over again tomorrow. The therapists don't work on the weekend so Friday will be important for following up today's progress.