Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

Revisiting That Golf Course Share This on LinkedIn   Share This on Google   Tweet This   Forward This

21 March 2016

Last Friday, we published our slide show of 2007 aerial photography manipulated in the current Lightroom. We included a camera JPEG from the Canon G9 to show just what an improvement they were.

But one shot in particular wouldn't let us rest. We included the golf course because it was a recognizable entity. But it also a little suffered camera shake from the turbo prop's bumpy ride. It was marginal so we let it ride.

Then it occurred to us that it too could be improved. Just not in Lightroom.

Camera Shake. Default settings.

We were thinking of Photoshop's Camera Shake filter in the Sharpen menu.

So we opened the shaky image in Photoshop and ran the default values on it to get a much sharper image. Sharp enough we didn't want to slip it into the slide show without an explanation.

So we're showing it here.

The initial display is the sharpened After image. To see the Before image created in Lightroom, click, hover or tap on the Before button. These are 700p-wide crops of the 800p images, which is the size used in the slide show. Using the same display area makes the difference between the images easier to see.

And it's quite a difference.

The original was captured at f4.5, ISO 200 and a not-sluggish 1/320 second at 36.8mm. So shutter speed didn't prevent the blur. The elongated image of a Finger Lake was only 1/250 second and it was sharp.

But seeing the results on the golf course, we tried running everything in that slide show through the Camera Shake filter in Photoshop. We can take a mulligan, can't we?

As it turned out, though, only the golf course image was improved by the filter. At least at the default settings. Still, it shows how useful another obscure Photoshop feature is for ordinary images.

Which, it strikes us, is par for the course for Adobe.


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