Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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27 September 2016

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention (with more than 140 characters). This time we look at Louis Faurer, field of focus, Joe McNally on Ellis Island and the Kinora Picture Reel.

  • In 'A Lyricist With a Camera' on New York's Streets, Sarah Moroz celebrates Louis Faurer in nine black-and-white images. "He rarely looked up at the skyline: New York's essence was on its teeming streets," she writes, "especially in Times Square, which he prowled at night."
  • Roger Cicala is having Fun with Field of Focus. Part I, published today, is an introduction to the field and focus graphs he'll use to talk about his tests. To illustrate the concepts, he tests several 50mm lenses. Aaron Closz, Markus Rothaker, and Brandon DubeAaron Closz, Markus Rothaker and Brandon Dube also contributed to the project.
  • In Quiet Pictures in the City, Joe McNally turns a city park sprinkler into a rural epiphany before visiting the abandoned hospital on Ellis Island. "The abandoned rooms stand as testament to the bravery, fortitude and daring of all those who came, seeking freedom, and a new world," he writes.
  • The Kinora Picture Reel is what home entertainment was like 100 years ago. The Getty Research Institute's special collections house a Kinora viewer and six picture reels from about 1910. When the factory burned in 1914, Kinora ended production. But the blog post shows off the Getty reels.

We've also updated our Calendar and Photokina wrap-ups story today and there's always more to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...


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