Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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1 September 2020

We've just archived Volume 9, Number 8 of Photo Corners on the Archive page with 16 Features, 27 commented News stories, 26 Editor's Notes (which included 183 items of interest), no reviews and one site note for a total of 70 stories.

We published 132 images in 30 of those stories. And four stories included gear specifications.

There were no holidays in August, so you had a holiday from us and our musings on the world we inhabit. Photography doesn't exist apart from reality. And in that tradition, we spend our holidays reflecting on the facts on a slightly different plane than the visual.

There are, for example, very few Web sites devoted to photography that also publish obituaries of notable photographers. Photo Corners has been one since the beginning.

We had three last month. And they were notable. People we would have liked to have known, too. And those pieces inhabit a slightly different plane than talk about gear and discounts and free webinars. A level we like to think we all aspire to.

We do have one technical update for those of you who were amused by our repair of an antique Intuos mouse.

But this is the first month we've gone without a review of any kind. And the irony is that we were fairly confident at the end of last month we'd be publishing several.

Events conspired against that plan, however. We found ourselves wrestling once again with a serious medical situation in our immediate family.

So we didn't get any reviews done last month.

READERSHIP was markedly up from any month in the last year. Part of that, but only a small part, was a blog we started for distant family to follow our medical news. Big as it is, the distant family numbers just a couple dozen or so, not enough to make a big bump in our numbers.

To our delight and amusement, our lead story was The Painter's Revenge, a matinee. It was closely followed by our slide show of Mount Davidson using a peculiar optical sandwich.

We do have one technical update for those of you who were amused by our repair of an antique Intuos mouse. It's been 12 days since our repair and the old rodent is wheeling around like a lab rat on placebos.

We nevertheless (and to cheer ourselves up a bit) acquired a Magic Mouse II. At the very least, we wanted a better mouse than the unsupported Kensington Studio Mouse (its touchpad no longer scrolls) we had tethered to one of our systems. And we got that.

We also got insurance on the Intuos mouse. All it takes to pair the Magic Mouse to either system is to plug it into a Lightning cable for a second. So it's easy enough to use on both systems.

Just to show you how unfair our story rankings are (the newest stories always score the lowest and the oldest the highest), we took a look at last month's stories in this month's counts.

Sure enough, the top scorers were the last stories we put published, led by our story on MLB cutouts.

We're putting in some very late nights, long after the four phone lines medical companies are calling have quieted and our patient has dozed off until her medical device incessantly beeps another obscure alert we can do nothing about.

It's peaceful working as the raccoons and skunks and coyotes and other wanderers of the night go about their business. You can always find a moment in the darkness to hope for better days.

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