Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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25 March 2021

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Joel Meyerowitz, Vitor Schietti, Karen Marshall, fantastic rocks, Agnes Lopez, Datacolor and Lynn Murray.

  • Those Entrancing Wild Flowers are by Joel Meyerowitz, hence the spelling from his 1983 book Wild Flowers. Captions are also his, taken from the new, expanded edition, coming April 13.
  • Grace Ebert highlights the Trees in Light Paintings of Vitor Schietti's Impermanent Sculptures. The strands of light he paints with are fireworks.
  • In Three Decades of Female Friendship, Caught on Film, Melody Rowell presents the portraits of friendship taken over the years by Karen Marshall. The series shows, she says, "to understand who we are as human beings, we have to look at how we get along."
  • In The Most Fantastic Rocks, John Cresswell presents the work of five artists who mix geology with photography: Eileen Agar, Elena Cremona, Feiyi Wen, Ryan Thompson and Ron Jude.
  • Suzanne Sease features The Faces to Remember Project by Agnes Lopez. "So far I have met and photographed Holocaust survivors, the first African-American schoolteacher at a historically all-white school in my hometown of Jacksonville, Florida and Filipino veterans of World War II, who shed blood for the United States and then had to fight another 75 years to even be recognized for their service and sacrifices," Lopez says.
  • Datacolor is offering Spring Savings of up to $200 in the U.S. on its SpyderX products.
  • Victoria Bekiempis reports that among the 10 killed at a Colorado grocery store was Lynn Murray, a retired photo editor who had worked for Glamour, Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan. Her husband described her as "probably the kindest person I've ever known."

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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