Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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6 May 2021

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Brad Walls, the Holodomor, Shahzad Bhiwandiwala, Roger Ballen, Selene Magnolia, blinking, content-aware fill, the rise of photography, holograms and a new directory.

  • In Water Geomaids, aerial photographer Brad Walls shot synchronized swimmers from above. The images feature the Sydney-based synchronised swimming team choreographed by Katrina Ann. "I was surprised at the lack of imagery capturing the shapes and patterns that synchronized swimmers create," he says.
  • Dmytro Dzhulay and Coilin O'Connor present portraits of the Four Men Who Risked the Wrath of Stalin to Photograph the Holodomor, the 1932-33 man-made famine Stalin used to force Ukrainian peasants to join collective farms.
  • Suzanne Sease presents the personal project of Indian photographer Shahzad Bhiwandiwala. "My passion for art history coupled with my creative instincts has often made me wonder about India's approach to fashion had it been influenced by the European Renaissance as it swept across the known world at the time," Bhiwandiwala introduces the images.
  • In The Earth Will Come to Laugh and Feast, Gregory Eddi Jones takes a look at Roger Ballen's recent book that pairs his photos with Italian poet Gabriele Tinti's verse.
  • Ellyn Kail reports a Photo of the Roma Community by photojournalist Selene Magnolia has won the latest edition of Feature Shoot's Global Billboard Project. The image will be on the billboard across from the only entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel on 9th Avenue and three blocks from the Port Authority Bus Terminal.
  • Steve Meltzer asks Can You Stop People From Blinking in Photos? He has a few answers but, as he admits in the beginning, they don't always work. Fortunately, image editing always does.
  • Jim Kasson used Photoshop Content-Aware Fill for Spotting when cloning didn't work for dust spots on smooth gradients in an image. "It worked great," he writes.
  • In Obscura No More, Andy Grundberg shows how photography "rose from the margins of the art world to occupy its vital center." He writes, "The eradication of photography's separate-but-not-quite-equal status within the art world -- its triumph as an art form -- has been important, but equally important is the crucial position that photography and other lens-based media have come to occupy throughout our culture, not only by representing it but also in large part by producing it."
  • In BYU Hologram Experts Can Now Create Real-Life Images That Move in the Air, researchers create free-floating animated holograms using an optical trap display (and a Canon camera):

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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