Photo Corners

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Avalanche Unlimited Updated Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

15 June 2021

Cyme has released Avalanche Unlimited 1.3.8. Avalanche is an artificial intelligence-powered, macOS tool for Mojave and later to migrate your photo libraries or catalogs "without losing any data and while preserving all your edits."

The company called this release "an important update adding several new features and fixing a number of issues and user interface problems. It is recommended to all our users."


Improvements found in the new release include:

  • Projects and folders are now correctly migrated as such in Capture One.
  • Ordering of collections in the output catalog now reflects the order in the source catalog.
  • Capture One folders are now properly populated with the images in those folders. They used to be empty.
  • German and Japanse localizations were incomplete causing the migration to C1 to fail.
  • Reading some of the latest Lightroom catalogs could fail.
  • Many smaller problems addressed.


We recently reviewed Avalanche Unlimited, noting the immanent update.


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