Photo Corners

A   S C R A P B O O K   O F   S O L U T I O N S   F O R   T H E   P H O T O G R A P H E R

Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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25 April 2022

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at the Helen Kornblum Collection, brass bands, Pablo Larraín, L Mount lenses and Andrew Jackson.

  • Our Selves: Photographs by Women Artists explores the connections between photography, feminism, civil rights, Indigenous sovereignty and queer liberation in 152 pages. It is the companion text to the current exhibition at MOMA drawn from the Helen Kornblum Collection.
  • A Brass Band Trains in Sierra Leone documents the country's special attachment to the ensemble. "Most neighbourhoods, scout groups and schools have a brass marching band and competitions are held regularly," John Wessels notes.
  • Chilean film maker Pablo Larraín directed Spencer, a biopic about Princess Diana, in 2019 with his trusty still cameras at his side. "I need to have my photo camera close to me," he says. "It makes me feel closer to the characters. I see things closer when I look through a lens."
  • Kirk Tuck has acquired a Collection of L Mount Lenses, four primes in fact, that work on three brands of cameras and are also affordable. "All four of these lenses together weigh less than my Leica 24-90mm zoom lens," he writes.
  • Let's Read This! exhorts Andrew Molitor after coming across an essay by Andrew Jackson that's making the rounds. Not because he agrees with Jackson, though.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look five years back. And please support our efforts...


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