Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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30 November 2022

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at the second Magnum NFT sale, Michael Zagaris, 100 Black photographers, printing, Vital Impacts sale, RawTherapee and an iOS backup issue.

  • In The Power of Simplicity, Mee-Lai Stone features the second in a series of three non-fungible token sales celebrating Magnum's 75th anniversary. Jonas Bendiksen's roof shot transcends its explanation.
  • Julia Brown interviews Michael Zagaris about the highlights of his career of Six Decades of Football Photography. Zagaris, who covered the San Francisco 49ers in their prime, has just published Field of Play: 60 Years of NFL Photography. "I wanted this book to be a true picture of what it's like to be a player," he says. "I love my action pictures, but the behind-the-scenes shots, the shots on the bench that really portray the agony, the drama -- that to me was essential."
  • A Picture Gallery of the Soul at the University of Minnesota showcases the work of over 100 Black photographers from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The unusually expansive exhibition closes Dec. 10.
  • In The Printing Challenge, Mike Johnston reports the results of his own recent print sale and its implications for his future work. He can't afford Ctein's $350 bill for a print ($110 for each additional print ordered at the same time) and isn't confident he can keep a printer humming on his own after several disasters. He doesn't mention it but since his work is black-and-white, he needn't be concerned with color ink, although a set of black-and-white inks is still a set of inks.
  • The Vital Impacts Winter Collection offers images from over 100 photographers who share a commitment to the environment. The organization led by Ami Vitale and Eileen Mignoni will donate 60 percent of the proceeds to Jane Goodall Institute's Roots and Shoots in addition to its own grants and initiatives.
  • The free RawTherapee has been updated to v5.9 two years after its previous release. New features include a new Spot Removal tool and Color Appearance & Lighting tool and Local Adjustments tool with improvements to other tools and expanded camera support. Linux and Windows builds are available but the macOS build has not yet been uploaded.
  • iMazing, whose iPhone backup software has been affect by the iOS Backup Passcode Prompt, detailed the issue and suggests Apple make a small change to re-enable convenient automatic backups to local devices.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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