Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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9 December 2022

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at the entertainment world, Bonsai trees, Japan's cats, a gear inventory, more strange utterances, Jonathan Blaustein and being busy.

  • The Associated Press collects images from The Entertainment World over the past year as the stars came out after two years of the pandemic. "For all the highlights, there were plenty of darker moments."
  • In Trails of Light Illuminate Sculptural Bonsai Trees, Kate Mothes presents Vitor Schietti's long exposure shots using sparklers from his ongoing project Impermanent Sculptures.
  • Mothes also showcases Masayuji Oki's amusing images of Japan's Feline Residents. "For the past eight years, Oki has documented clowders of cats in his home city of Tokyo and on islands around the nation, focusing on the feral animals' interactions," she writes. "Viewed through a an anthropomorphic lens, the images capture playful pounces and awkward entanglements with humor and a knack for good timing."
  • Kirk Tuck provides an illuminating Camera and Lens Inventory as he consolidates his holdings on Leica gear with two notable exceptions: the Panasonic S5 and Sigma fp.
  • Thom Hogan found a few more Strange Things Said XX to rebut.
  • After 13 years posting on aPhotoEidtor, Jonathan Blaustein signs off with Quitting Time. "And if I've learned anything as a full-time, freelance creative over 22 years, you have to trust your instincts and be willing to step out there, not knowing what comes next." But before he goes, he covers a few portfolio review festivals.
  • In The Seven Levels of Busy, Michael Lopps describes everything starting from Not Busy. We bounce between Stuff to Do and At Capacity with Significant Commitments all day long but avoiding Cracks in the Facade and Crushing Commitments. But we don't work on it because that would be Unsustainable.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...

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