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Resolving a DNP Driver Problem Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

19 September 2023

When an update to macOS Ventura in July disabled our ability to print to the DNP DS-620A printer, we reported the issue to DNP and its PR agency. We also reported the issue here, with a little noting how long it was taking DNP to respond.

Print Ready. With the Exif date imposed in the corner, we were ready to make a 4x6 of this. And after updating the DS-620A driver with the August 2023 release, we were able to do just that.

We never did hear from DNP. So the little bug is reporting it's been 1,337 hours this morning. That's over 55 days.

But last night we resolve the issue.


As we wrote in July, the problem occurred after the Ventura 13.5 security update and it was fatal.

Attempts to print to the DS-620A all abort with a warning that "'rastertodnp' will damage your computer."

The problem did not occur on Monterey after the 12.6.8 security update, so we were able to print from there.

But on Ventura, we tried the usual tricks, including reinstalling the 5.2.6 driver, which failed with the same complaint about rastertodnp that printing complained about.


Last night with a few photos to print, we took another swing at the problem. We started with a Web search that yielded nothing.

But it did have a nice way of failing. It suggested the Drivers download page at DNP, which we visited.

There was saw that in August, DNP had released v5.2.7 of the driver. In the readme, there were two notes:

  • Driver digital signing updated for Mac OS13.
  • No functional improvements.

We installed the driver and were once again able to print from Ventura to the DS-620A.

But no, we never did hear from DNP.


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