Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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15 May 2024

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Omar Victor Diop, photo print services, the Hobolite Iris LED, exporting albums and a copyright ruling.

  • In Time Traveller, Mee-Lai Stone presents Omar Victor Diop in which the Senegalese photographer appears in places he was previously shut out from. The images restage photographs from Lee Shulman's massive amateur archive.
  • Kirk Tuck solicits his readers' recommendations for the best photographic Print Service. Quite a few firms are mentioned in the comments.
  • Chris Gampat reviews the Hobolite Iris, an LED with an iris and attachments, including a prism.
  • In Exporting Apple Photos Albums to Folders, a Mac Power Users forum poster gets a lot of working answers, including one from Rhet Turnbull, the developer of OSXPhotos.
  • In Warner Chappell Music v. Neal, the Supreme Court rules a plaintiff may recover damages for infringements occurring more than three years before the commencement of the lawsuit. "The Copyright Act entitles a copyright owner to obtain monetary relief for any timely infringement claim, no matter when the infringement occurred," the justices write. "The Act's statute of limitations establishes a three-year period for filing suit, which begins to run when a claim accrues (here, the Court assumes without deciding, upon its discovery)."

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...

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