Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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18 June 2024

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Bryan Adams, Joel Meyerowtiz, Light Stalking's May contest winners, the Nikon Z 6 III and the Pentax 17.

  • Canadian singer and photographer Bryan Adams is showing portraits from four series at the Ernst Leitz Museum from June 26 June to Sept. 22. "Whenever you lift a camera to someone, their expression and body language changes," he says. "The secret is how to not make people uncomfortable, so sometimes the best photos are the photos between the photos."
  • Alyssa Monte reviews Europa, a new exhibition of Joel Meyerowtiz's photographic exploration at age 28 during a year-long journey across post-war Europe. "Meyerowitz carried two cameras with him on this trip; one loaded with color film and the other, with black and white," she writes. "It became common for him to make two photographs of the same subject and later examine the pairs side-by-side to pose questions about composition, perception, expression, etc."
  • Rob Wood posts Light Stalking's May contest winners on the theme Faces of the World.
  • In Nikon Introduces the Z 6 III, Thom Hogan takes a deep dive into the new camera with this overview that includes links to four other articles inspired by the new release.
  • Meanwhile, in It's Here! The Pentax 17, Mike Johnston is just thrilled to see the half-frame film camera finally launch. And for less the $500.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look five years back. And please support our efforts...

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