Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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12 August 2024

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at closing ceremonies in Paris, Exif data from Olympics photos, 12 wows in Paris, Perseid Meteor Shower, Vasantha Yogananthan, Joe McNally, the Leica D-Lux 7 and a free Eastman Museum Zoom talk.

  • In Paris Closes the 2024 Olympics, the Associated Press showcases images from the closing ceremonies. "The French capital has handed over hosting duties for the Summer Games to the next city in line: Los Angeles in 2028."
  • Jonny Weeks explains How the Best Photos of the Paris Olympics Were Taken through a few of the nearly one million photographs from the Games at The Guardian. "Here are some of our favorite images from Paris and beyond, with descriptions and camera data from those who created them," he writes.
  • NPR's team lists 12 Things That Wowed Us at the Paris Olympics with photos from Getty.
  • Reuters features images of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. As usual, we've been fogged in here.
  • In The Merits of Pinkm Rebecca Horne interviews French photographer Vasantha Yogananthan about his project The Myth of Two Souls. "Our medium lacks sound, it lacks movement, it lacks continuity and therefore it leaves space for the viewer's imagination to wander," he says. Yogananthan's seven year project is currently on view as part of the exhibition Turning the Page at Pier 24 in San Francisco.
  • Joe McNally shot Portraits -- Indoors and Outside on a recent trip to Ireland for a workshop. "Control of light allows you to impart a difference, an inflection of additional detail that could draw the eye of the viewer more readily than a snap in the street," he writes.
  • Mike Johnston shares his impressions of The Leica D-Lux 7 and D-Lux 8 after a week with the older model. "The camera is small and light and easy to carry. And it looks nice," he writes. "But here's the bottom line and the reason I lost interest in getting one for myself right away ... it's a point-and-shoot." And therefore too slow.
  • In Focus: Selections From the Collection is a free Zoom discussion with Eastman Museum curators Jamie M. Allen, Daniel Peacock and Louis Chavez. They will highlight the strengths of the photography collection, the strategies they use to exhibit a range of artists and movements and discuss the nuances of representing the history of photography in a single museum gallery. Register in advance for the Sept. 13 Zoom session.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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