7 August 2020
Joyce has finally gotten out of bed. A milestone. They want her to sit in a chair for an hour. So that's what she's doing right now, after washing for the first time since she was admitted (but you didn't need to know that).
She did find a place to charge her phone. Which is a good thing because the room phone is a mystery to her. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Although I suppose you could call the hospital and ask for her room number (see Getting in Touch).
To prepare for the anesthesia in surgery today, she wasn't given any breakfast and won't be getting any lunch. The last food she could have had would have been eight hours before surgery.
But they don't know when surgery will be. Dr. Tong told her it could be as late as tonight, in fact.
Her pain level was better but not great (which counts a progress if you're scoring at home) and she did get some intermittent sleep during the night.
Of course everything will get reset with surgery today.