6 February 2021
I very briefly talked to Joyce this morning before the anesthesiologist popped in, presumably to convince her to let them put the catheter in place for pain management.
She sounded good today. Alert and with it. Annoyed with all the paraphernalia attached to her. That must be the hospital's Wound VAC, which is larger than her portable unit, and a saline drip.
I told her what Dr. Tong and I had discussed about wound care and speeding up the healing.
That's about all we had time for.
Jay from Kaiser just called. He just wanted to confirm a few things for her release. It's day to day, he admitted, after telling me the doctor thought it would be three or four more days. I take that to be the usual imprecision among care providers.
Monday will tell us a lot about when she can be released and what kind of dressing she'll be using.
I reached her on her cell phone but you can also get her through the hospital switchboard. I'm sure she's bored to death right now!