Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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1 January 2017

We're happy to start the new year by announcing that Volume 5 Number 12 of Photo Corners has been archived with a nice table of contents to catch up on anything you missed in the last month.

We've always thought of Photo Corners as a monthly publication (which you can visit six days a week to see what's going on) rather than, say, a blog of occasional posts. We start the day with a round-up of interesting articles curated from our morning news gathering before piling on the news and getting to our reviews and imaging techniques.

THE EDITORIAL MIX of Volume 5 Number 12 was 20 Features, 26 commented news items, 26 Editor's Notes (including at least 104 items of interest in our Around the Horn articles), two reviews and one Site Note (there's always at least one).

That's a total of 75 stories, which would make a hefty glossy magazine if we'd sacrificed some trees and ink instead of bits and bytes. Those days, alas, are behind us all.

READERSHIP remains at its highest level, although we don't have final stats for December yet. We don't have final stats for the year either but we can tell you with a day to go we served over 4,594,437 pages in 2016. That's a lot of stories.

You can't stand on the shoulders of giants if you don't know who they are.

A quick count, in fact, shows we published 905 stories in 2016. That's up from 896 in 2015, 727 in 2014 and 530 in 2013. And they aren't two-paragraph click farming either. We put some elbow grease into all of them. They may not all interest you, but we wouldn't publish any of them if you couldn't sink your teeth into them.

OUR TOP THREE STORIES were news items, interestingly enough. But we were among the first (and almost always the first) to publish them. The next three were features, though. Our Christmas Day User Interface Fail story led our Giles Duley matinee and How To Make An HTML Email Holiday Card.

You won't find stories like those anywhere else.

And you'll be hard pressed to find anything like our obituaries of notable photographers. That remains an important part of our educational work here. You can't stand on the shoulders of giants if you don't know who they are. 2016 was a deceptive year. We didn't lose many at first, but then we overtook 2015. Each name remains permanently listed on our home page in tribute to them. Sometimes we scan through that list just to remember them and silently thank them.

WE WANT TO AGAIN THANK those of you who use our affiliate links to order. We earn a commission from that, which is plowed right back into Photo Corners. That and your subscriptions support our efforts here.

We keep a low profile when it comes to asking for support. Our email is flooded with requests from all sorts of organizations for support, we can't turn on the TV or radio without hearing them and our mailbox is stuffed with them. We hate to add to the noise.

We trust that if we've provided a useful service to you, you'll find a way to express your appreciation. Our support page describes a variety of them. And your dollar here looms bigger than elsewhere simply because we get less of them.

AS OUR STORY COUNT SHOWS, we're working harder than ever for you. We continue to bring you news before our competition, sometimes days before. And we continue to write in-depth multi-part reviews that give you something to think about beyond specs and prices.

But we also show you how to develop a capture into an image you can be proud of. We practice, that is, what we preach.

And we have a lot of fun doing it. Fun, we hope, you share.


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