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This page contains links to all of our specifications tables for cameras, lenses, scanners, printers and other gear.

When a new product is introduced, we chase down the specs and present them in an easy-to-read table that is also convenient for comparing similar models. Sources vary from the manufacturer to the vendor and often include data from multiple sources.

Unlike our reviews, which often contain specifications tables, these links refer to news stories at a product's introduction. Not every product listed here has been reviewed, but some have. So if you're interested in more information, take a look at our reviews.

Omitted from these listings are derivative models like Leica's designer M10 collaborations.

Most listings contain affiliate links to trusted online sellers with discounted prices that help support this site.

So we're pleased to present the list of the specifications tables we've published on Photo Corners. Just click a heading above to see each list.

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